Rincian kebijakan Softwareseni terkait dengan penggunaan, pengungkapan, penyimpanan, penghapusan, pengiriman dan/atau perlindungan Informasi Pribadi milik klien kami.
Tentang Softwareseni
Softwareseni adalah salah satu Software House dengan compliance terbaik yang ada di Indonesia. Softwareseni juga merupakan perusahaan konsultasi IT yang melayani jasa pembuatan software, maintenance website, aplikasi serta IT developer outsourcing. Berawal dari 2013 dengan klien Australia dan berkembang ke berbagai negara, hingga di 2017 Softwareseni mulai mengerjakan berbagai project digital untuk perusahaan Indonesia.
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IT Managed Service Provider
The digital era has led many companies to digitize their business. Companies should take immediate action to be ahead of their competitors.
The demand for software developers and talents continues to increase every day. However, the demand is higher than the number of available talents.
SoftwareSeni is your trusted IT service solution for your business digitization needs. You can avoid the hassle of going through the tedious recruitment process and just enjoy the results.
SoftwareSeni has many software developers, for both websites and mobile apps, who have experience helping companies in various industries digitize their businesses.
Our DevOps have a lot of experience in designing and managing servers to ensure that there are no issues when users access your business's digital platforms, both the website and the mobile app.
Project Manager
The Project Manager at SoftwareSeni will assist you in controlling and ensuring that your project runs well according to the predetermined project timeline.
UI/UX Designer
Our UI/UX Designers will ensure that the design of your website and mobile app is of the highest quality. With improved design, your business will stand out and be easily recognized by a wider target market.
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance at SoftwareSeni will help you ensure that your company's digital business platforms—both the website and the mobile app—run according to user expectations.
Technical SEO and Digital Marketing
SEO or digital marketing cannot be separated from today's business. You need SEO to launch your business. Our digital marketing team will help you build the website and mobile app platforms so you can reach your target consumers through a variety of digital marketing strategies.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa teknologi yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk membangun
IT Managed Service Provider
, tentunya teknologi tersebut memiliki keunggulan masing-masing.
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Klien & Portfolio Kami
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Frequently Asked Questions
Punya Project atau Ingin Membuat Aplikasi?
Hubungi kami segera dan konsultasikan kebutuhan digital untuk bisnis Anda lebih lanjut.
Level 17, Sequis Tower, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.71, Senayan, Kec. Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12190 +62 858-6514-9577
Unit A & B Jl. Prof. Herman Yohanes No.1125, Terban, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223 (0274) 4539660